Age Groups:
Adult (A) - ages 19 years & over

Elementary (E) - ages 6 to 10

Intermediate (I) - ages 11 to 13

Senior (S) - ages 14 to 18

The application of soil and plant sciences to land management and crop production.

A person who engages in an event or activity as a pastime rather than a professional or hobbyist.

Class or Lot
A group of like exhibits that are judged together: a sub-category of a department.

Class Number
The number assigned to each class or lot.

A generalized category of exhibits or a group of classes or lots.

An eligible exhibit that is entered and judged.

Owner of the exhibit as shown on the entry form.

Exhibition Number
A permanent number assigned to an exhibitor.

A book of rules and regulation regarding entries in the Baldwin County Fair.

The cultivation of plants.

A person who engages in an event or activity for monetary profit.
A skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft.
A creator of great skill in the manual arts.
A person who teaches and/or instructs a particular craft or skill.